Nature Tordesillas

Nature Reserve Banks of Castronuño share
The nature reserve is considered a Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA, in spanish Zona Especial de Protección de las Aves) at an european level

Camino de Santiago del Sureste share
La ruta de peregrinos que pasa por Tordesillas es conocida como el “Camino del Sureste”. Este itinerario, que nace en Alicante, está basado en los textos del Cartero Real Pero Juan Villuga,1546.

Water Mills share
They are hydraulic works. Usually, they are found on the landscapes of large rivers' banks.

Pine Woods share
There are large pine nut pine masses in Tordesillas, which are also known as "doncel". Usually, lands assigned to be forests use to be sandy and poor quality for agriculture. However, it is perfect for a highly adapted species such as the pine.

Cereal steppe share
The typical landscape of cereal steppe is dominated by dry land cultivations such as barley, wheat, oats and sunflower... which are the commonest ones of this area.

The Duero Valley share
The valley formed by the river constitutes the environmental unit called "Vega de Duero" (fertile lowland of the Duero river)