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Monuments Guide

 Image Main Square
Main Square
The Main Square is the central area that has brought together the local community for its public activities throughout the course of history: markets and medieval games, bullfighting festivities and comedies.
 Image The Bridge
The Bridge
On the origin of the current bridge there is no reference at all, neither dates, nor authors. The lancet arches indicate that it has medieval origin. It is a great ashlar work and has ten spans. Between the arches, it has triangular ground plan cutwaters.
 Image The wall
The wall
It went round the whole town and had a fiscal and military nature
 Image Treaty Houses
Treaty Houses
They are two jointed palaces where tradition locates negotiations between Castile and Portugal that ended with the Tordesillas Treaty's signature on June 7, 1494.
 Image St. Peter's Church
St. Peter's Church
It is built in ashlar work stone at the end of the XVIth century and Gothic style.
 Image St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Church has been declared to be of Cultural Interest on December 7, 1983.
 Image Royal Monastery of Santa Clara
Royal Monastery of Santa Clara
The building was declared of Cultural Interest on June 3, 1931.
 Image Church Museum of Saint Antolín
Church Museum of Saint Antolín
San Antolín Church Museum was declared of Cultural Interest on April 30, 1998.
 Image St. John's Church
St. John's Church
It is built using a mixed technique: masonry, stonework, brick work and mud wall.
 Image Saint James' Church
Saint James' Church
Mud wall, brick and stone Church.
 Image Church of Saint Francis
Church of Saint Francis
The order comes to Tordesillas in 1603 by order of Philip III. At first, they occupy the Alderete's house until 1612. At that time, they live in the place where the current convent is.
 Image Convent of the Carmel
Convent of the Carmel
It originates in a group of members of a religious order who gathered round a hermit woman from Tordesillas whose name was Isabel García, nicknamed as "the confined". They are given a plot near San Juan Church so that the convent was built during John II reign.
 Image Mater Dei Hospital
Mater Dei Hospital
The Infanta Doña Beatriz, who was King Dionís' de Portugal daughter, founded it in 1467. She was buried there in 1470.
 Image Pilgrims Hospital
Pilgrims Hospital
D. Juan González, the village's archpriest ordered to found it. He made his will in 1499 and left his inheritance to the Immaculate Mary chapel in Santa María Church.
 Image Sanctuary of 'Nuestra Señora de la Peña'
Sanctuary of 'Nuestra Señora de la Peña'
It is distant from the village, on the left bank of the Duero River. The current church, which dates back to the XVIIth century, replaced the previous one
 Image Hermitage of Sorrows
Hermitage of Sorrows
Although it is a building which belongs to the XVIth century, the current aspect is due to alterations undergone in the XVIIIth century.
 Image Hermitage of St. Vincent
Hermitage of St. Vincent
It is placed on the right bank of Duero river, on the track that leads to Torrecilla de la Abadesa. A great view can be contemplated from there.
 Image Hermitage of St. Marina
Hermitage of St. Marina
It is placed on the opposite side of the Hermitage of Saint Vincent. It is upon a rise in the ground but on the right bank of the Duero river also. It was the Clergymen Old Brotherhood See.
 Image Royal Palace
Royal Palace
Lost. The Royal Palace was one of the most important buildings in Tordesillas. Two noteworthy aspects to take into account: it was the temporary headquarters of Castilian Monarchies mobile Courts and that was the place where Queen Joanna I of Castile lived for 46 years.
 Image Houses and Palaces
Houses and Palaces
Se encuentran situadas a los largo de las cuatro calles que parten de la Plaza Mayor, y la mayoría datan del siglo XVI, momento de mayor auge de la villa.
 Image Other Lost Buildings
Other Lost Buildings
Others constructions gone missing today