Arts and Crafts -

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Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts
Image Arts and Crafts
A very big craft industry takes place in Tordesillas, with very different trades and with a high quality in the products.
Pottery: Luis Rivero produces decorative pieces with varnish and Jesus Ontanillas works with potter's wheel and make decorative murals.
Teresa Aliagas, works with different metals, (silver, alpaca, brass), and acid to produce mirrors, jewels…
David Salgado works with wood, and we muit emphasize his original watches with trunk shaped.

Rosa Mª Castellano makes her works with pressing flowers, as pictures, postcards and decorative items for furniture.
Julian Rodríguez and his children makes boots, shoes, bags and saddles with leather and suede.
Mª Angeles García makes wicker rattles, baskets, sewing boxes, trays, etc…
Joaquín Lois Organeros C.B., make a high quality craft industry. They restore organs and we have take into account that Tordesillas is the town with much number of organs in Europe.

Tordesillas is also the Didactic Centre of Lace in Castile and León , that is managed by Natividad Villoldo. In this centre, they give lessons abaut the traditional textil tecnics and they also restore pieces. This centre organises International Congress about Lace and the most important investigator in Europe turn up every year in order to spread and recover the art of the bobbin lace. We also find the Lace Promote Association of Castilla y León that tryes to rescue the art that has fallen into oblision, the art of the lace in Laetilla. Its main function has been the publication of some studies abaut the lace in different language. This association also takes parts international congress and exhibitions, where it has got the best rewards. It also publishes a semestral interview, called " El Husaño ", to this members and as catalogue to other associations related to the textil arts.