
La reina Juana y los Comuneros share
En 1520 la burguesía castellana se levanta contra Carlos I. En Tordesillas buscan el apoyo de la reina Juana I de Castilla.

Napoleón y la Guerra de la Independencia share
Numerosos hechos históricos vinculan a Tordesillas con el periodo de la Guerra de la Independencia española, que tuvo lugar entre 1808 y 1814.

Treaty of Tordesillas share
The precedent to the Treaty of Tordesillas was the Treaty of Alcaçovas that was signed by the Portuguese and Castilian Crowns in 1479.

Coat of Arms share
At the bottom part we find waves in field of azur with a promontory beaten by waters of the Duero river.

Origin and etymology share
The real origin of Tordesillas is not known. Townships from the second age of the iron have been found.

Historic events share
Tordesillas appears for the first time mentioned in historical documents towards the year 939, when Abderramán III passed by Tordesillas after besieging Zamora with an army of 100,000 men.